08 February 2011

Mediocrity - Experimentation with Leads

Lead 1 (Rhetorical question) - Can you imagine school without art or music classes? As budget woes plague schools around the nation, many education systems are considering cuts to the arts programs.

Lead 2 (Twist) - They improve focus, strengthen literacy, and increase mathematical understanding in children. They also receive more budget cuts than other school programs. The arts are struggling to gain support for funding in schools around the nation.

Lead 3 (Startling statement) - Arts education can improve focus in children. Being exposed to music and art can strengthen reading fluency and mathematical understanding in children. It’s surprising, then, with these results, that schools should consider cutting these programs.

~The OMO


  1. Lead 1 is good.

    Not sure about the grammatical correctness of Lead 2. Reason for lowing support for funding?

    Lead 3 has a odd introduction- not quite a complete idea, I feel something is missing from the first sentence. Possibly add in the last sentence, "With these benefits... "

  2. My bad... apparently i have to tell you my name


  3. I think the second lead would work best, maybe you should add in some grammatical corrections, but I think it's the best. Can't wait tor read it.


  4. I like the second one, too, and I think it could be even stronger with a bit of revision for grammar. Nice job!
