So if you know me, you may or may not know that my step mom was like extremely pregnant. And on April 27, 2011 at exactly 2 am, my little brother, Cassius (pronounced like Cash-us. I dislike it, but what can you do?) Charles (insert last name) was born. It's my dad's second kid and my step mom's first, but it's my fourth sibling. So pretty much old news now considering my other little brother was born almost 3 years ago and this is the 4th time I've dealt with little kids running around my house, but whatever.
So here are a few pictures :) You may have seen them if you're friends with me on Facebook and/or you follow my own blog, but for you foreign folks/non-facebook friends, here are some pictures. Unfortunately, one reveals my true identity, but I'm pretty sure who I am is preeeeetty obvious.
Awwww! Super cute!
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